After Hours AM America's Most Haunted radioOn a superstar edition of After Hours AM/America’s Most Haunted Radio — Thursdays 9-11pE with hosts Joel Sturgis and Eric Olsen — we welcome Ghost Hunters alumni Amy Bruni and Adam Berry to preview their new paranormal investigation show Kindred Spirits, premiering tomorrow night, October 21 on TLC at 10/9c. Amy and Adam join us in the 10pE hour. In the 9pE hour Joel and Eric will present the week’s top paranormal news and chat entertainingly about matters of interest and import.

Ghost Hunters alumni Amy and Adam help real families that fear their homes are haunted by loved ones who have passed on. Frightened by the mysterious happenings, but hesitant to pick up and leave their homes, these families have turned to two of America’s leading paranormal investigators to capture evidence, ascertain the nature of the spirits, and bring closure to family. With added stress from the possibility that the spirits may be their own late family members, each episode of KINDRED SPIRITS introduces a new family that seeks help from Amy and Adam.

In tomorrow’s premiere episode, Amy and Adam meet Catherine and her daughter, who live on a 34-acre property in Little Meadows, Penn. They’ve been experiencing multiple things that they cannot explain – smashed light fixtures, being woken up in their sleep and inexplicable scratches. It takes Amy and Adam several investigations to figure out who is bothering the family, but more importantly, can they figure out why? It’s up to the experts to help this family reach closure by facilitating contact with the other side.

Kindred Spirits Amy Adam


Amy Bruni first encountered paranormal activity as a six-year-old when her family moved to Alameda, California. Her family had no idea their home was haunted until Amy witnessed a full-body apparition of a man dressed in green. Years later, Amy discovered the ghost was the landlord’s son who died in World War II. Amy’s family encouraged her to not let the paranormal world spook her, but instead to embrace it. Amy’s been chasing ghosts ever since. In fact, her father started taking her on paranormal investigations when she was only nine!

As Amy got older, her fascination kept growing. In her twenties, Amy spent her weekends flying to haunted locations and conducting her own investigations. Her passion for the paranormal became a full-time job when she joined SyFy’s Ghost Hunters in 2007. Recently, Amy founded Strange Escapes, a paranormal travel agency that pairs people with the largest and most haunted locations in the United States. In between speaking at paranormal events and investigating ghosts, Amy stays at home in Massachusetts raising her three-year-old daughter Charlotte.

Kindred Spirits amy adam


Adam Berry grew up in the small town of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, and had more paranormal experiences in his childhood than most people do in a lifetime. But unlike Amy, the spirits Adam faced terrorized him. When he was just nine years old, Adam saw a paranormal creature haunting his home. It looked like a menacing ghost dog, and Adam couldn’t escape the harrowing sound of the dog scratching against the wall. His TV mysteriously glowed even though it was turned off. In 2006, Adam had his most intense experience in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He saw massive white figures in a field, and heard loud gunshots and people yelling. He rushed to the paranormal sights and sounds, and found no explanation for what he witnessed. This event sparked his interest in the paranormal.

In just a few years, Adam quickly progressed from unknown paranormal novice to well-respected researcher. His newfound passion led him to compete on Ghost Hunters Academy, which landed him a spot on Ghost Hunters in 2010.

In addition to hosting paranormal conferences, Adam runs a musical theater in Massachusetts, and works as a real estate agent selling haunted properties to only the bravest of thrill seekers.


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